Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry



 ABMS Price List 120123



Analytical & Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility Policies

At the Analytical and Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility (ABMS), we have state-of-the-art equipment and unparalleled expertise for the analysis of a variety of biological and small molecules. One of our specializations includes protein analysis, which encompasses protein identification, protein and peptide sequence confirmation, intact protein molecular weight determination, complex protein sample analysis, and protein/antibody-drug interactions. In addition to proteomics, the ABMS team has developed an in-house metabolomics library (currently containing >700 compounds) to support metabolomic and lipidomics analysis, enabling the interrogation of the underlying metabolomic and lipidomics profiles. Through this proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics analysis, greater in-depth and multi-omics profiling is achieved.

We can also identify a range of post-translational modifications (PTMs), determining their presence or absence, as well as quantitating the PTMs.

Our services are designed to assist you in answering your quantitative and qualitative proteomics and small-molecule questions as well. The services include workflows for label-free, chemical labeling (iTRAQ/TMT), and metabolic labeling (SILAC).

For chemists who would like to synthesize a molecule, we monitor the reaction step-by-step, calculate the percentage of product, test for its purity, and characterize the molecule with high resolution and high mass accuracy (typically better than 500 ppb [0.5 ppm] mass accuracy).

Whether you are interested in molecular weight and chemical composition determinations, structure elucidations and compound identification analysis, confirmation and accurate mass measurements of synthetic products, measurement of polymers, nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), peptides, proteins, natural products, or assistance with the determination of unknowns, Or characterization of biological proteins, we look forward to supporting your research needs.

The core is located in room 124J in the BIO5 Keating Bioresearch Building on the North Campus.

Email us with inquiries today at

Acknowledging the core:

To ensure continued investment from the UA administration, we request that the following statement be included in any publications that benefited from the instruments, workstations, or support of the core. Please substitute the phrase “Mass Spectrometry analysis” in the statement below as needed to describe the services you received at ABMS. If a core staff(s) provided more in-depth support to your project, it would be appropriate to mention them by name in the publication’s acknowledgements.

Mass Spectrometry analysis was performed at the Analytical & Biological Mass Spectrometry Core Facility supported by the Office of Research, Innovation and Impact at the University of Arizona, RRID:SCR_023370.


 Krishan Pasawar, PhD




Krishna Parsawar, MS, PhD
Phone: (520) 626-5317 (Office) and

(520) 621-5699 (Lab)








Lawrence Walker, PhD                       
Assistant Staff Scientist

Phone: (520) 621-5699


Ning Zhang,  PhD
Assistant Staff Scientist                        

Phone: (520) 621-5699


Hours of Operation and Locations


Monday - Friday

9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

24/7 Access for Trained Users

Keating Bioresearch Building, Room 124J

1657 E Helen Street

Tucson, AZ 85721

 (520) 621-5699


Samples may be dropped off at the UAGC freezer in the entryway to Room 106

Links and Resources

  1. Acknowledging the core


Name Role Phone Email Location
Analytical & Biological Mass Spec
General Facility Contact - Keating
Keating Bioresearch Building, Room 106
Core Facility Business Office
Billing Inquiries
Keating Bioresearch Building, 2nd Floor

Available Equipment and Resources

Name Price
TSQ Altis™ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer  
Michrom HPLC  
AmaZon Ion Trap  
solariX 2XR FTMS  
Autoflex Speed MALDI TOF  
Shimadzu HPLC  
LTQ Orbitrap Velos  
Q Exactive Plus - Proteomics  
Q Exactive Plus - Metabolomics  
Orbitrap Exploris 480  
Isoelectric Focuser  
Laser Capillary Puller  
